About Me

Who am I?

My name is Daan Leijen, I was born in 1992 and currently living in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Currently, I am finishing up my study in Applied Software Engineering (Technische Informatica) at the Hogeschool Utrecht, to start a career as a software engineer.

My education

During my current study, I followed a specialization in Ubiquitous Computing, which refers to the use of embedded computing devices in everyday electronics like lamps (Philips Hue, ZigBee), home electronics (coffee makers, washing machines) and security devices (door alarms, motion detectors) to add intelligence to such devices.

During my study, I performed research on multi-agent parallel processing under the guidance of Dr. van Moergestel, which resulted in a paper.

Before my current study, I attended Utrecht University for two years, first as a student of Cognitive Artificial Intelligence, which lacked the in-depth software engineering I expected, and Computer Sciences, which was too focused on management for me.

Before my time at the university, I attended grammar school at Utrechts Stedelijk Gymnasium. My focus there was on physics, chemistry, math and philosophy.

My work

Currently, I’m working as a software engineer, as well as performing some basic DevOps and SysAdmin tasks, at Heycop Smart Innovations. My primary focus here is on the backend development of a content management system for automated distribution of video and images to embedded devices, of which further details are under an NDA.

Before this I worked as a sales employee at a large retailer, selling computer hardware and accessories, as well as helping out tech support if needed. Older jobs I had include working in a supermarket and at a McDonalds.

My hobbies

I have a few hobbies, of which photography is the most represented one on this website.

In addition to photography, I enjoy gaming, mostly focusing on games that stimulate strategic or creative thinking. In addition to that, I ‘ve started with Warhammer 40K again, of which I enjoy the creative and social aspects.

Another major part of my life is my student society, B.I.T.O.N. in Utrecht, which is based on mutual respect for everyone and equality, unlike many other student societies. At B.I.T.O.N. I’ve volunteered many times for different occasions, including organising the introduction period for new members, cooking for the group when we go on camps, organising study activities, organising a variation of TEDx-talks and serving as a board member and later as head of the board of one of our clubs. B.I.T.O.N. is also the place I met my current girlfriend.